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Forfatter: CityEL
Ny crash-test sidekollision viser pænt resultat

Tazzari EV – Zero EM2 Space Side Crash Test passed
Tazzari EV designs its vehicles with primary attention to your safety.
The Zero EM2 Space electric car chassis has passed the automotive side crash test as well, without structural deformations.
Thanks to the “Side Bumpers” proprietary technology, standard equipment on all Tazzari EV range of vehicles, the occupants did not report relevant damage during the impact.
Watch the complete video on our YouTube channel:
Configure your Zero EM2 Space on the Car Configurator on
Tazzari: 10 års erfaring fejres
More than 10 year have passed since Tazzari EV’s beginning, with ZERO we wrote the history of EVs creating the first electric vehicle born with Lithium technology, really on the market for less than 30 thousand Euro, the first quadricycle evolved to car homologation: ZERO EM1.
Now we are the only electric cars producer in Italy and the only company that exclusively produces electric driven cars in Europe.
This 10 years have been challenging and exciting, with more than 20 million kilometers driven at zero emission from North Europe to extreme Asia from all the Zerodrivers, the lucky possessors of Tazzari ZERO: true pioneers of the electric mobility.
Keep on innovating with the new range of products, three new electric vehicles for the Next Generation Zero: ZERO JUNIOR, ZERO CITY, ZERO EM2 SPACE, continuous evolution with the new logo TAZZARI EV ZERO EMISSION MOBILITY.
Ny rekord under godkendelsestest
Effektivitet og lav vægt er nøgleelementerne indenfor elektrisk mobilitet. Derfor er det også med stolthed at kunne oplyse, at Tazzari EV Next Generation er målt til 194 km rækkevidde med 16 kW batteripakken.
Det giver 82,5 W/km, hvilket er uhørt lavt i denne kategori, men kun et delmål for Tazzari, der hele tiden arbejder på, at gøre elektrisk mobilitet bedre og mere økonomisk.
Du kan konfigurere din helt egen Tazzari her: